Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Reginald Parade - Behind the Bike Sheds

Reginald Parade - Before And After
A design review of my thesis project at work brought up some concerns about the treatment of Reginald Parade. I had removed the shops leaving the colonnaded facade as an entrance to the site with railings between the bays. This was felt to be too incongruous with no architectural connection to the building.

I have since tried to strengthen that connection by bringing some of the architectural language of the building to the parade. I have also tried to make the scheme interact more with its context by incorporating and developing the existing bus stop and adding a new cycle store.


Linzi Morris said...

Its looking good Ryan. I think this extension of the building works well incorporating the bus stop. Just though I'd let you know :)

Anonymous said...

Great work.Really this is very nice collection..looking very nice..beautiful post..thanks for sharing here..
Treadmill India