Monday, 5 January 2009

Site 1

This is the site that has been selected as the location for the scheme. The strong aspect of community involvement that this scheme potentially has made this site the most desirable of the three. It allowed more scope for the brief to develop and become more inclusive to the wider community.
Location: Chapeltown Road, between Reginald Terrace and Reginald Street.
Area: 13857m2 (3.4 acres)
Use: Demolished pub and underused /disused park
Status: Planning permission pending - joint services centre
Considerations: Size - too big?

Site 2

Location: Corner of Chapeltown Road and Grange Avenue.

Area: 884m2 (0.22 acres)

Use: Empty - demolished residential plot.

Status: Planning permission rejected - Part two storey part three storey block of 14 flats.

Considerations: Proximity of adjacent residential properties. Size - too small.

Site 3

Location: Chapeltown Road, between Savile Road and Savile Place

Area: 1141.6m2 (0.28 acres)

Use: Empty - demolished residential plot.

Status: Planning permission pending - 4 storey block of 6 retail units with 16 two bedroom flats over; and 4 storey block of 6 two bed flats and laying out of 22 car parking spaces.

Considerations: Size - too small.

Sites Considered

All three sites considered are in Chapeltown, Leeds. Chapeltown has been the subject of various regeneration initiatives over the years at both national and local levels, and some improvements have been made, but it still remains in the bottom 3% of deprived areas in the country [Indices of Deprivation 2007].

And so it begins...

Well, the thesis project is now and truly underway or at least should be. The design proposal document is starting to take shape (starting being the operative word - I may have faffed around with the formatting for a little longer than required) so hopefully a deluge of information should be making its way onto the blog soon.
The research that I have done so far seems to be steering me away from my initial thoughts. The scheme is developing from purely an Urban Scout Centre to more of a community based project.
I have a tutorial tomorrow so hopefully Nick will be able to tell me if I am heading in the right direction.